Wednesday, August 13, 2008


We are home again after a charmed vacation. It was everything we could have hoped for and more. I love my quiet home in small town in the middle of nowhere but I do love getting out to the excitement of the city, too. At first the girls were afraid of the city and had to be coaxed out of the room (their first trip to a BIG city) but by the end of the week were right there figuring out the best routes on public transit and moving with the flow on the city streets.

Now it's catch-up time as the busy time of year is here.


Anonymous said...

Welcome home - i am still trying to figure out the public transport in the Bog City here!

Wendy said...

And at the end of a great trip, and home to your lovely house to discover, once you start wading through your blogroll, that you've WON!

Could life be any better ;)?

Tara said...

Welcome back!

anajz said...

Welcome home! Most of my life I lived in large metropolitan areas before moving to Kansas. It took awhile to acclimate, but now I feel like a fish out of water when I visit the city.

Robj98168 said...

I am so glad you had a good time! When you figure out that big city transportaion system let me know would ya?